Judges at Skyhoundz
We're very happy to have those great players with many years of expertise in the game of dogfrisbee here as judges at the Austrian Skyhoundz event. Please welcome:
Arkosi Josf (Hungary)
Has started practicing the game of DiscDogging 11 years ago and since then has been organizing competitions, seminars. He was the first one organizing a European Championship in Skyhoundz 2009 and has been an international judge for several years.
Luca Felician (Italy) Luca is a discdog trainer in Italy and the founder and trainer of FlyingDogs DiscDog Team for which he has been playing now since 3 years. During last years he played at Hyperflite Skyhoundz European Championship and Hyperflite Skyhoundz World Championship. During this years runs throughout Italy to promote the discipline with seminars, exibitions and teaching in in Italy.
Sven Van Driessche (Belgium)
Sven has been a DiscDogger for about 7 years now and he was one of the earliest representatives in Europe to try to spread the word of proper disciplines. He always enjoys being on the field with his dogs as a player, especially here in Austria where he was able to win the DiscCrusherCup'2010. The Disccrusher team was very happy to host one leg of the KMARCh 2011 series, having Mike Miller and Sven in Vienna was great fun. Sven has many years of experience in judging international competition and is the official Skyhoundz head-judge of the 2012 Austrian Skyhoundz tournament.